Photo of LeighAnne of Lulla B Photography in North Carolina. She is wearing a coral colored dress and smiling at the camera.

Hey y’all!

Welcome to my little corner of the internet! My name is LeighAnne, and I’m the face behind Lulla B Photography! 

“Wait, so your name isn’t Lulla?” Ha! Nope! Let’s chat about the story behind the name. I’m HUGE on anything and everything sentimental. So when it came time to pick my business name, I wanted that to reflect. Long story short, my nickname given to me from my Mom and family is Lullabelle (still called that to this day!) and my Dad is a beekeeper. Split Lullabelle into Lulla B, and add a honeybee to the letter, and you’ve got my business name. 

Before this business, I was a Physical Therapist Assistant, so caring for people runs deep. Once we had our daughter, and 2 years later our son, it was imperative to me that I never missed a moment, and that is where my photography journey began. Now, 4 years later, with 3 little ones having gone to Heaven before I could hold them in my arms, the relentless passion I have for capturing these memories is unfounded. 

“Appreciate this moment. Stop and look around you, be thankful for all you are because this time next year, nothing will be the same.” 

— R.H. Sin


I want to give to you what I would want hanging on my walls. I want you to look at your images, and feel the warmth of the sun and the breeze in your hair. I want you to see the look your sweet hubby has given you for years, but now looking at it through my lens, it makes those butterflies return all over again. I want you to see your sweet boy’s little sticky hand wrapped around your strands of hair, and your precious girl’s twirl in her fancy dress, and I want it to make your heart burst. These little things are what’s important. Capturing your life is what matters. You will never get this time back. Let’s make sure it is documented the way it deserves to be.

“....lead a life worthy of your calling, for you have been called by God.” 

— Ephesians 4:1